Advertising and Site Sponsorship Policy

I first started building this site back in 2009 It was to share my own experiences, collect some of the tips and ideas that make wood burning a pleasure rather than a chore and to help others find their way to the joys of owning a stove and heating with firewood.

Over the years I've added pages making recommendations, reviewing a few tools etc... but to meet the standards of a personal recommendation from me I always apply the Grandmother Test. Simply would I recommend this product, service, company, tool or whatever to my grandmother? If not then it gets an honest review but not my stamp of approval.

I accept site sponsorship only from high quality organisations within each category related to wood burning. These sponsors form an "A List" of the top brands, products and services available and ALL of them pass the "grandmother test".

The review of a sponsor would be exactly the same with, or without, the "ad" in the right column. This exposure in the right column provide the sponsors with increased visibility of their reviews (a valuable service in a large and continually growing site).

If you enjoy, please support our sponsors. You will be delighted that you did!

If you sell goods or services related to wood burning (ex., stoves, fireplace accessories, fuel, pellets, splitters, etc.) and if you would like to know more about "Wood Stove Advertising" by sponsoring, please click here.

If you are already a Site Sponsor, thank you for your support!
