Heavy Horse Work

by Carol

Heavy horse at work in woodlands

Heavy horse at work in woodlands

A few years back we visited a local wood which needed thinning out. Instead of getting in the tractors and getting the job done at speed, whilst damaging the remaining wood, the owners decided to go back in time and organized a heavy horse day.

They brought in a Suffolk Punch horse to ferry the felled trees to the cutting machine, and advertised the day to visitors. The owner of the horse was happy to answer questions and we all learned a lot. It was lovely to see the horse doing the work, just as they many years ago.

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Sep 22, 2010
Great suggestion...
by: Mike

Hi Carol, that's a great idea. One of the big issues we are going to have is extracting the timber once felled. We have some massive oaks (40 ft plus tall, thick and straight) that need to come out to let more light in.

We had considered getting a quad bike with trailer to help shift things in and out, but the heavy horse looks like it would do the job just as well. Plus it would keep my wife happy!

I guess you would start by asking around at a Country Show or something similar?


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