by Mike
I just stumbled on an interesting site. Ran Prieur has bought a piece of damaged and neglected land and is using his knowledge of permaculture principals to bring it back to health.
He has been documenting his progress on his land blog website. As well as rehabilitating the land and establishing an edible landscape he has be building himself a simple cob cottage.
Cob, for those who don't know, is an ancient building technique using clay, straw and sand to sculpt a house. It is flexible enough that you can sculpt whimisical structures and scupltures into the very walls of your home. Cob is very dense so has high thermal mass and a cob building tends to regulate heat. They are ideal for rocket stoves and I have suggested that he builds himself one for the cooler months.
His story is an interesting and inspiring one. Hopefully we'll be able to replicate some of his successes in Elfric Wood.